Saturday, October 30, 2010


The Shale (myna) is a very frequent bird in Bangladesh.

The frequent myna is on the size of an American robin. Its insignia variety from rich wine-brown on the inferior breast to deep black on the head, neck, and upper breast. It has a splash of white on the inferior rim of its wings, and its invoice and legs are a brilliant yellow. This myna feed on plants, insect, and worms. It over and over again builds its nest in crevices of building. It is a earsplitting bird that is frequent about yards and building. It is often seen in the midst of chickens or balanced on the back of cattle. People have free the frequent myna into the wild in a lot of tropical Pacific island, including Hawaii, where the bird is now plentiful.

Chatting mynas are from time to time kept as pets. Many copy the human say and can talk, sing, and shrill.

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